Relocation packages

If you’re applying for one of our hard to fill posts, we may be able to help you with relocation costs. The amount you can claim depends on the role you’re applying for but you could be entitled to expenses of up to £8000. You can claim expenses such as:

  • legal costs
  • furniture removal
  • survey fees
  • stamp duty
  • travel expenses (when searching for accommodation)
  • interest charges on bridging loans

Finding somewhere to live

If you have been made an offer of employment, our accommodation team can:

  • tell you if you’re eligible for hospital accommodation
  • sign post you to local landlords and letting agents
  • sign post you to local estate agents and new build property developers

Guaranteed interview scheme for your partner or spouse

If you are applying for one any of the following posts, your partner or spouse may be eligible for a guaranteed interview with a local district council:

  • Paramedics
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Medics
  • GPs
  • Nursing and Midwifery
  • Bio Medical Students

International candidates

We welcome candidates from the EU and EEA as well as non EEA countries. If you’re a non EEA applicant you can check if you need a visa and find out more about the visa application process here.

If you’re applying for a job that’s not on the shortage occupation list we need to go through a process called the Resident Labour Market Test. This means we need to prove that there are no suitable candidates already in the UK. If there are, we are legally required to consider them first. 

Find out more about international recruitment and how it works here. 

Maintenance allowance

On top of the relocation package we’ve outlined above, international candidates may also be eligible for a maintenance allowance to support you during your 1st month of employment.

The maintenance allowance is an interest-free loan* that can be repaid through your salary. The value of the allowance will be based on your personal circumstances and whether or not you have any dependants. As a guide, you could receive:

  • up to £945 plus
  • up to £630 per dependent

The maximum amount that can be claimed is £5000 per application. These values are subject to change.

*Under the current regulations of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the provision of an interest-free loan of this level is not a taxable benefit. Any tax liability that may arise in the future as a consequence of changes in HMRC regulations will be charged to the employee.

Help to settle in

If you’re an international doctor relocating to Cumbria, the Medical Directorate Support team will be there to support you through the process. You’ll be allocated a Relocation Support person who’ll show you around the hospital, your local area and tell you about the lifestyle and culture you can expect both in and outside of work.

They’ll also help you to find long term accommodation, including family homes. They’ll support you as much as you need. From getting a local opinion on the best areas to live, to accompanying you to house viewings.

Finally, they’ll help you to set up a bank account and provide you with local guides on:

  • public transport and driving in the UK
  • understanding all the different bills
  • how to register with a GP and dentist
  • schools and nurseries
  • mother and baby groups
  • day care for children
  • sports and community groups
  • places of worship
  • local shops