The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives you a general right to obtain recorded information held by public authorities. The Act was created to help people get a better understanding of how public authorities carry out their duties, make decisions and spend their money.


What information can I request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000?

  1. Who we are and what we do
  2. What we spend and how we spend it
  3. What are our priorities and how are we doing
  4. How we make decisions
  5. Our policies and procedures
  6. List and registers
  7. The services we offer

Before you make a request, check out the Trust’s publication scheme and disclosure log as the information you require may already have been published there.

The publication scheme ( sets out all the information that is available to you without having to make an FOI request.

Our disclosure log ( contains all the FOI requests that have been made to us and our response to them. The requests are categorised by subject matter to help you find what you need.

How do I make a Freedom of Information Request?

Anyone can make a request for information but it must be done in writing. You can make a request either by:

  • Using our online FOI portal: 
    • The portal is a secure and easy way to make a request for information to our Trust. You will be asked to make an account to submit a request. You can track the status of your request and you will be alerted when your request is complete.
  • Sending a letter to:
    • Information Rights Team | Information Governance
      Maglona House
      Kingstown Broadway
      CA3 0HA

Phone: 01228 608998 (FOI requests will not be taken over the phone.)

What are the Trust’s responsibilities?

Read our Freedom of Information Act 2000 Policy

The North Cumbria Integrated NHS Foundation Trust will:

  • Ensure requests are acknowledged within two days of arriving in the Trust. Ensure requests are responded to within 20 working days
  • If the Trust does not hold the information you requested, or the information is exempt from release, we will direct you on how to continue with your request
  • Advise you if there are any charges for your request. This would only occur if the time taken for staff to collate the information would exceed 18 hours (or the equivalent of £450 in wages).

How much does it cost?

Information is usually provided for free but there might be some charges for photocopying, printing and postage.

What to include in your request

  • your name
  • an address for correspondence (email or postal)
  • A clear description of the information that you are requesting (giving enough detail to allow us to correctly identity and find it)

Any questions, please contact

When you’ll get a response

You should get the information within 20 working days of us receiving your request. We’ll let you know if we need more time.

If your request is turned down

Under the terms of the Act some or all of the information you request may be exempt from disclosure. If this is the case, we will inform you as to what information we will and will not disclose, including what exemption/s have been applied. Occasionally, our response may take longer than the 20 working days prescribed in the Act because of applying exemptions. The Trust can also refuse a request if the estimated cost of completing it is more than £450.If you’re unhappy with a FOI request decision, you can request a formal review by writing to:

Head of Information Governance and Data Protection Officer
NCIC NHS Foundation Trust
Maglona House
Kingstown Broadway

Additional Information

For more info about FOI and Information management contact:

Information Rights Team
Information Governance
Maglona House
Kingstown Broadway

Any queries please:

Information Commissioners Office:


‘The Trust’s vision is to keep your information safe in our hands.’ We promise to use your information fairly and legally, and in-line with local and national policies. You have a right to understand how your information is used and you can request a copy of the information we hold about you at any time.

For further information on confidentiality contact the Information Governance Team: | 01228 603961


We appreciate and encourage feedback, which helps us to improve our services. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns to make about your care, please contact the Patient, Advice & Liaison Service: | 01228 814008 or 01946 523818

If you would like to raise a complaint regarding your care, please contact the Complaints Department: | 01228 936302