Phase 2 of the Redevelopment of WCH 

The doors are now open to the new £40 million redevelopment of West Cumberland Hospital. 

Patients and staff from, the Loweswater Suite, Copeland Unit, Children and Young People's ward, Stroke Rehab and Care of the Elderly are now in their new homes after an extremely busy week moving from the old to the new.  

Artist Impression of Phase 2 

This image is a 3D visualisation on completion of phase 2 of West Cumberland Hospital, including the new main entrance.

Below shows the ground floor of the redevelopment which will house: specialist palliative care, stroke rehabilitation & a 24 bed ‘step down’ ward. Patients will benefit from the use of a private courtyard including palliative patients who could spend time outdoors should they wish, with their own entrance to a private courtyard. Patients receiving stroke rehabilitation treatment will also have an outdoor area to undertake rehab outdoors. 

Ground Floor: 

1. Private Entrance to courtyard for Palliative patients to use 

2.  Separate area to support rehabilitation of stroke patients 

Ground Floor Plan.JPG

Below is the first floor of the redevelopment which will house Care of the Elderly as well as Children’s ward. Elderly care will have both 4 bedded areas as well as single rooms after feedback from patients stated they felt they benefitted from the company of others while recognising single rooms allow for privacy. All areas will adhere to infection prevention best practice. Children’s ward will comprise of a short stay assessment area as well as inpatients beds which can accommodate specific needs e.g. Children with learning disabilities or mental health issues.first floor.JPG

Showcasing services at WCH 

We've opened the doors to our hospital to invite you in for a closer look at some of our services. showcasing the staff, plans for the future and the facilities on offer.