If you would like to get in touch with your local governor please contact the Corporate Governance Team by email AskYourGovernor@ncic.nhs.uk or phone 01228 603761.
Public governors
John Coughlan
Term ends: September 2025
The provision of health services is something I have been interested in for some time. I am a great believer in the NHS and the services it provides in support of us all, in sustaining our active lives. I am a user of the NHS, like most of the population and have experience of the service people receive and the importance we place on them. I feel I am suited to being a Governor and representing the community.
My particular interests include A&E, people who have challenging medical conditions, community services for older people and those living in remote locations.
Having lived in many countries I have knowledge of health care internationally as well as the UK.I am an experience business manager operating at Board level, who can easily get to the bottom of a problem, providing challenging scrutiny and oversight while being supportive of the Trust’s services to patients and the local community.
I want to support this Trust to be effective, receptive, caring and a centre of excellence and consider it an honour to continue representing our community as governor. I believe I am objective and impartial in gathering members’ views, including those which differ from my own and believe I am diplomatic but determined in representing controversial issues which members believe to be important.
Leslie Blacklock
Term ends: September 2024
I was elected a public governor for Allerdale Constituency in December 2019.
Throughout the pandemic I have tried, to the best of my ability, to represent the population of Allerdale. Prior to my retirement I worked for the Older Adult Mental Health team in Whitehaven and was the Staff Governor for Allerdale/Copeland in the Cumbria Partnership Foundation Trust.
I will continue to support our fantastic workforce and continue to question and hold to account the leadership of our trust.
Declaration of interests
Political Party: Labour Party. Financial of other interest: None
Brian Eaton
Term ends: September 2026
I live with and care for a young man who has a severe learning disability. They have been well looked after by the health and care system, but gosh! it is complex. So I bring that experience of disability as a governor.
Professionally, I've recently completed three years as Director of Benenden Health so well understand the role, the scrutiny and the challenge involved. My Benenden work included Audit and Risk Committee and Member Services Committee. This gives a balance between understanding the organisation, its risks, and its responsiveness to users.
I work part time as a University Lecturer and have a depth of understanding of leadership and governance and an ability to influence policy formation. My work has been in diverse cultures including China and New Zealand. Currently working in university business schools in the UK and occasionally in Hong Kong.
I've been a trustee of Eden Special Multi-Academy Trust for five years. The Trust has seven special schools, most of which are rated outstanding. I've contributed to the Finance Committee throughout this time and have chaired Audit Committee so understand at least some of the pressures on organisation's which are publicly funded. Previously I was Chair of Governors of the outstanding James Rennie School in Carlisle and served for several years as a member of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Board of Cumbria County Council.
Sharon Stamper
Term ends: September 2024
I'm 53 years old, I've spent many years working within the community, working in drug & alcohol, community elderly care, housing related support, crisis mental health and also a local convenience store.
I've also been involved in services, to support my own needs over the years, from mental health and physical health.
Elizabeth Freeman
Term ends: September 2024
I have been a governor for two terms. I have engaged fully in all activities for governors and was a member of the Nominations Committee. I know where the Trust is heading and how it is achieving for the benefit of Cumbria and its population.
I have worked hard for the Trust in various activities. I worked as a voluntary chaplain at the Cumberland Infirmary and I realised what a lot of work was needed for patients and the NHS. I am interested in patients and NHS members to work together with respect for all levels. I have worked in welfare work and the two roles compliment each other.
Having worked so hard in the past I wish to continue with the work that I am undertaking. I am a member of the Governors Advisory Committee which is helpful in considering the detail of reforms for the Trust, eg help for the disabled, making and improving access to hospitals and clinics etc. My remit is helping disabled people of all ages gain access to all that is available to help them with their needs.
Rebecca Mullins
Term ends: September 2026
My original term started as Covid hit and we had to go virtual. The last three years have been illuminating in the working of a busy NHS Trust. I have had the opportunity to interview for jobs, visit West Cumberland Hospital, take part in audits and be part of a team representing Governors at public events.
I have sat on the Governors Workforce and Membership and Engagement Committees and attended general Governors’ Council.
My background as a nurse and my working life has led to work with all sectors of community. This role has enhanced my skills, to broaden my knowledge I volunteer in the atrium and on the wards. This role has been very rewarding
Eric Martlew
Term ends: September 2026
I have in the past served on Health Trust Boards in Cumbria including having been Chair of Cumbria Health Authority.
I was the MP for Carlisle from 1987 till l stood down in 2010 and I always maintained a keen interest in health issues. I was later elected a governor of board setup to oversee the ill-fated takeover by Northumbria Hospital Trust.
I am also a member of an NHS national committee that lays down guidelines for the treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer and liver diseases.
I believe my role as a governor is to be supportive of the Trust but also to question the quality of service that they provide especially with regard to Carlisle. I am still very well known in the city and feel that people will approach me regarding their opinions and worries on the local hospital service.
I am aware that the NHS is facing unprecedented challenges both nationally and locally but l have a lifelong commitment to supporting and helping our NHS.
Mary Ann Hargreave
Term ends: September 2024
I do not want to see the continuation of a declining NHS. I have many years of experience on which to draw, in both the NHS and in not-for-profit and commercial arms of the independent sector. I have worked through, at basic and strategic levels, many approaches to service delivery and several structural changes brought about by different governments. I have experience as an NHS governor in the North East of England, as a healthcare charity trustee, a voluntary carer and as a patient.
There is no doubt that the NHS needs reform to cope with demand, excellent clinical delivery and developments. Ongoing and immediate staffing difficulties and perpetual over complication hinder making things happen in a timely and cost-effective manner, throughput stagnates, standards drop - and patients suffer.
I would like to contribute for two basic reasons, to:
- form the link between users and Trust managers, offering information to assist them in strategic planning and decision making, focusing on the fundamentals of the existence of the organisation
- hold the Board to account for its achievement of the objectives set.
I bring a broad range of experience to a belief in the availability of appropriate healthcare for all.
Janine Ward
Term ends: September 2026
As a key member of my community (Rotarian, chair of Friends of Pica, Counsellor of Distington Parish Council and MD of Together We CIC) I feel I have a great understanding of the health inequalities my community faces. This includes the specific challenges of living in a rural community, isolation, mental health issues and high rates of poverty living alongside the very wealthy.
I am incredibly determined to present health service answers that meet the needs of real people and having developed Together We around this I feel I understand the complexities faced by many. Yet also I am determined to see the individual at the heart of care being treated as that individual with their own symptoms, their own experiences and their own complexities.
In addition I have personal lived experience of mental and physical ill health which has helped me to see services delivered from a client perspective too. My passion is for equal, respectful and fair treatment of health problems.
In addition a promotion of helping the public and professional teams see health a wider agenda than just looking at the presenting problem. I am keen to promote good public health in terms of family interventions and support- it is no good providing one off care to people without the proper care and support systems for those around the person being treated to help them to continue a good recovery.
I have 3 children and hold community close to my heart.
David Hughes
Term ends: September 2026
I recognise the vital importance of the Trust's services to the local community and wish to help the Trust succeed in delivery of the best possible performance in these difficult times. I believe effective governance is essential to that success.
I suffered serious illness 4 years ago and benefitted from tremendous, committed care from NHS staff, whom I hold in the very highest regard. I feel driven and highly motivated to give something back. Being retired, I have time to commit to the role. I also have relevant business skills and experience to bring to the role, having operated at Commercial Director/Board level in public and private organisations in the defence and nuclear sectors. I believe these skills can be helpful in supporting the Trust's optimal use of its over stretched budget.
I have been an elected Public Governor for the Newcastle Hospitals Foundation Trust for almost 2 years, representing the Cumbria constituency. Hence I understand the nature of the role, in particular the boundaries of authority between the Trust's Executive leadership team, the Non-Executive Directors and the Governors. I see the priorities of the Governor role as: firstly, holding the Trust board to account for performance and strategic planning; and secondly, ensuring that community views are gathered, provided to the Trust, and acted upon appropriately.
I have time available to fill both governorship roles, and believe that there is potential benefit in being involved with both Trusts.
Daniel Sencier
Term ends: September 2025
Our doctors, nurses and other support staff are some of our community's most amazing, dedicated, caring and hardworking people. With their help, 12 years ago, my life was saved, and since then, I have become ever committed to protecting our NHS. It's ironic then, that the past 12 years have seen its most significant decline, a rapid slide into oblivion. You will only know how important the NHS was when it's no longer there!
I have a varied career path, including service in the Armed Forces, aircraft engineering, and hotel and catering. I retired aged 55 and embarked on a full-time media degree at the University of Cumbria, graduating in 2013. Since then, I've travelled to many countries, ending up in Thailand. There, I experienced just what 'ideal' hospitals could operate and look like. I realised how much work was needed in England to achieve an excellence that was now only available in hospitals such as The Freeman in Newcastle. But having world-class hospitals would only be good enough if you were lucky to be diagnosed in time and then have a bed available!
I will work with other governors and all like-minded people to help in any way I can to revive our NHS. But you also have to do your bit because, without public support, we will never get the financial help and commitment needed from any government to stop the current decline. Please help me to help us all!
Mike Taylor
Term ends: September 2026
Having held various roles in the NHS for some 30 years – Non-Executive Director, NHS Appointments Commissioner and Trust Chair - I was first elected a Public Governor 6 years ago. I believe the role to be very important in helping the Trust achieve its aims. Governors are not operational or managers but are there to represent the public good by way of holding the board to account through the Chair and Non-Executive Directors (NEDs).
We appoint the Chair and the NEDs and scrutinise the way they implement the agreed Strategic Plan challenging when appropriate but also supporting where and when we can. I believe it is helpful in fulfilling the role that I remain active in the Third Sector in Cumbria - as Chair of Cumbria CVS, of Action for Health Cumbria and of the Cumbria Armed Forces Covenant Partnership - in that I can reflect back into the Governors’ Council opinions and views from those bodies. My earlier career encompassed a variety of senior roles in the Private, Public and Third Sectors which has given me a useful level of experience and knowledge in carrying out this role.
Jacqueline Nicol
Term ends: September 2026
I am committed to supporting the NHS. As a Governor, I serve as Lead Governor and chair the Membership and Engagement Committee. I am on other Committees, including the Nominations Committee which appoints the Chair and Non-Executive Directors. I work to ensure a good working relationship between Governors and the Board whilst holding the Non-Executive Directors to account and supporting staff to achieve service delivery of the highest standards.
It is important staff feel they are appreciated. I want to see everyone working together to achieve improving standards of medical and patient care. I want meaningful engagement with members to involve them and ensure that management are aware of their concerns.
I was an Enhanced Community First Responder for North West Ambulance Service (NWAS). I am an influencer on their Patient and Public Panel. I am also a lay representative Patient Safety Partner with NCIC and NWAS. A qualified Librarian, I worked in management at Citizens Advice. Currently, I am Vice Chair of Citizens Advice Carlisle and Eden, an independent custody visitor, a Police and CNC animal welfare visitor, and a panel member for School Admission Appeals and Exclusion Reviews.
My varied experience enables me to understand complex information, constructively challenge and be a good listener. I will continue working to make NCIC an even better service for all. I will continue to advocate on your behalf to ensure you remain the heart of NCIC and to hold the board to as account despite the challenges facing the NHS.
George Butler
Term ends: September 2025
I already have 9 years experience as a Public Governor with two Foundation Trusts. My focus is the provision of best care for patients, by an appropriately skilled workforce, and ensuring the Trust has systems in place to provide this.
I have strong associations with healthcare in Cumbria. I trained as a nurse at the Cumberland Infirmary before returning to finish my career as Director of Nurse Education in South Cumbria, and Vice-Principal of Lakeland College of Nursing and Midwifery. I have a Masters Degree (Distinction) in Community and Health Ethics, which gives me the confidence to speak up for patient's when healthcare decisions are being made. I have thirteen years experience as a Magistrate, chairing both Family and Adult courts, tutoring with the Open University, and working as an independent member of Eden District Council.
My entire working life was in health care, both in nursing and nurse education, and I therefore have a great deal of experience in dealing with health related issues. I have worked for 9 years as a public governor, four of these as Deputy Lead Governor so I have been actively involved in a range of issues within hospital and the community. I support the social care model currently being introduced, to help make the transition between hospital and home as seamless as possible.
William Jackson
Term ends: September 2026
I have a lifelong interest in the National Health Service from a young age in how it ran and how the NHS’s Performs as whole. I have myself used the NHS for multiple ailments that I have and used a number of different departments and services that the NHS offers. I have found that some services within the NHS are excellent and some other services within the NHS need improving quite dramatically.
I have a condition called autism and I find that a number of services struggles to understand autism even though that they have courses to understand autism.
I am CQC Expert By Experience and go to services to ask patients and service users what they think about the service offers as whole and to give patients’ careers and service users a real voice.
As a result of this experience, I understand how the NHS works and how it can continue to be improved and I thought it would be good to use this expertise as a governor, since it is the role of the governors to hold the board of directors to account and to comment on the plans of the trust. I think I’m well placed to do this as I know what good looks like and the right questions to ask (hopefully). In this way I hope to complement the skills and experience of those governors who bring first-hand experience as patients, relatives or carers on the ground.
Staff governors
Jessie McCarron
Term ends: September 2024
The positive changes for the future of the Trust, are important to me, as I want others to feel the same way in 20 years, as I feel now about working here. Showing kindness, empathy and loyalty towards colleagues helps me become a better person at my job each day.
I'm very hardworking, honest, loyal, caring and kind to others. I am a mother of a daughter who's 34. I live alone with 2 dogs and lots of crafting!
The money from my crafting I gift back to areas in the hospital. Last year I made masks/scrubs for staff, and £500 was given to Ward 4. I've also gifted £1000 to ICU and £100 to coronary nurses for new equipment. I love helping others, it’s all about the bigger picture with me. I bake cakes for our porters/estates staff, as they are kind in helping me do my job consistently each day.
As a domestic cleaner in WCH I am on the shop floor and see all the good things happening as well as things that may need attention.
The pandemic is teaching us to be better people and help others before helping ourselves, and be more tolerant in life generally. I get on really well with other staff at WCH, I'm always helping people, including patients/visitors. Nothing is too much trouble to me.
Chris Robley
Term ends: September 2026
I have lived and worked in West Cumbria for the Trust since I was 16 years old, now reaching 48 years within the NHS.
I started on Children’s ward then the Coronary Bay on night duty. Medical and surgical wards, ITU, Elderly care. Palliative care for 10 years as the first F grade and in ophthalmology. I worked as a practice nurse in a G.P surgery for 12 months. I was the Young people’s substance misuse worker team lead for 7 years.
Presently Integrated Team manager from 2013 for Allerdale Health Visiting service. I am a registered Nurse and Mental Health Nurse and an Executive coach for the last 7 years.
I am passionate about learning and development and believe this is central to motivation, inspiration and innovation.
I sat on the then Trusts risk board steering group 14 years ago and acted as a voice for the staff and clients. I began my journey for advocating and promoting well-being. I have long held the belief of community of practice, from the bottom up. It’s everyone’s responsibility to speak up and be heard. That’s what motivates a positive culture of support and compassion.
Well-being of everyone is paramount to a healthy and happy work place. Healthy conversations remembering how we tell the story effects everyone and how you make people feel.
I have worked with some amazing people.
Georgina Craig
Term ends: September 2026
I currently work as a Critical Care Outreach nurse across all wards in the Cumberland Infirmary. I also work as a resuscitation officer, and a Professional Nurse Advocate providing support to our Critical Care Nurses. I care passionately about the well-being of all staff as I know how this directly affects the care we provide to our patients.
I was born and raised in Carlisle, completed my nurse training at the University of Cumbria in 2009, and have worked at the Infirmary ever since. My husband also works at NCIC and shares my dedication to improving services across our trust. Our two children were born at CIC and many of our friends and family members have been patients both here and at WCH. This emotional attachment adds to my desire to contribute as much as I can to ensuring we continue to improve our systems for the population of Cumbria.
I want to be elected as a governor so that I can use my experience and enthusiasm to actively engage and listen to staff and provide a voice on their behalf. I have extensive knowledge and understanding of the challenges we face in our hospitals and believe I would be a valuable voice as a staff governor.
Ajay Bangaragiri
Term ends September 2024
I am excited and honoured to have been elected as a Staff Governor for NCIC FT. As a member of the governors' council, I am eager to bring any concerns that staff may have to the attention of the board. It is important to me that the voices of the staff are heard and their concerns are addressed. The NHS and its employees are currently facing challenging times, and I am committed to being the channel through which their issues can be brought to the board's consideration.
Together, we can work towards fostering a positive and collaborative work environment where everyone's opinions are valued and respected, and we can achieve productivity and success. I believe that being approachable and eager to learn new skills is important in creating a comfortable environment.
I am friendly and enjoy listening to the thoughts, concerns, and opinions of others. If I can contribute to building trust and making the workplace adaptable to changing circumstances to meet staff and people's expectations, I find it very satisfying. Please feel free to mail me at ajay.bangaragiri@ncic.nhs.uk for the issues to be taken up.
Thank you for your trust and support. I am looking forward to working with you all.
Partner governors
Susie Wilson
University of Cumbria
Term ends: June 2026
I am honoured to have been appointed to the North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust Governors representing the University of Cumbria. I have had a rich and varied career working in health, initially as a clinical Occupational Therapist in London and Cumbria and now as Principal Lecturer and Professional Lead for Occupational Therapy at the University.
I am very pleased to work with the trust and its staff to support the delivery of its vision and values for the people of North Cumbria, and to further strengthen the partnership between North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Cumbria. I am a Cumbrian keen to see the continued development of our good NHS services. I am also passionate about the delivery of excellent care for all, provided with compassion and kindness.
Martin Harris
Cumberland Council
Term ends: June 2026
I am a retired GP. I first worked for the NHS as an auxiliary nurse (equivalent of a modern care assistant) as a holiday job in 1977. I went on to train as a doctor and worked in junior doctor posts in hospital, public health and general practice. I worked as a fully qualified GP for 26 years maintaining an interest in Community Paediatrics for most of that period, I retired in 2018 and then completed a master’s degree in social policy including a dissertation on an NHS related subject. To say I have knowledge of and an interest in the NHS is an understatement. It is a service I wholeheartedly believe in.
In 2022 I was elected as a councillor to Cumberland Council and I am the portfolio holder for Adults (which includes Social Care) and for Public Health. I am joining the Council of Governors as the local authority representative for my council.
I feel my past experience, together with my present role both as a ward councillor, representing my residents, and as a portfolio holder in two areas which interact very much with the NHS put me in a strong position to make a useful contribution to the Trust.
Tim Smith
University of Central Lancashire
Term ends: July 2026
I qualified as a doctor in 1994 and since then have worked in clinical and educational roles in the NHS, the Spanish Healthcare system and universities both in the UK and overseas, as well as spending time working in pharmaceutical research. I was a consultant in anaesthetics and intensive care at NCIC from 2017 until 2021 and whilst working at the trust continued to take part in medical education and research. Since 2021 I have been academic lead at the University of Central Lancashire’s Westlakes campus in West Cumbria training medical students and student physician associates in partnership with NCIC and other healthcare organisations in Cumbria. I hope that the experience I have gained in my varied healthcare career will enable me to make a useful contribution to trust whilst serving as a governor.
Linda Bell
League of Friends
Term ends: March 2025
I am really pleased to be asked to serve as a Partner Governor on behalf of the League of Friends who support the Community Hospitals. League of Friends volunteers work hard to raise funds for the Hospitals, and provide additional equipment and services that the NHS cannot provide, and can feedback useful information to the Trust as they are in touch with the public who use NHS services.
I was brought up on an east fellside farm and attended Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Penrith, and initially studied for my A-levels, but always wanted to go into nursing
I started my career in 1973 as a Student Nurse at Carlisle Acute Hospitals. On qualifying I started work in1976 at Penrith Hospital as a Staff Nurse on an Elderly Care Ward.
Since then I have worked in a variety of roles across Penrith Hospital, including the former Cottage Hospital on the Beacon Edge as well as in other Community Hospitals. I worked as a Staff Nurse, Sister, Nurse Practitioner, and also Modern Matron across Penrith, Brampton and Alston Community Hospitals for a number of years. I retired from the Trust after 48 years in 2021 ending my career working as a Nurse Practitioner in the Penrith Urgent Treatment Centre, after graduating over 20 years ago.
We used to work really, really closely with the GPs in my early years and it was great, because they knew us, and they knew our capabilities. I saw many changes throughout my career, including electronic record keeping, which meant all nursing staff had to acquire some IT skills, as some of them had never switched on a computer in their lives. I was also one of the first nurses to be trained how to take blood in 1978, as previously that had always been done by a doctor. Now healthcare assistants do it — and are perfectly capable of doing it.
Throughout my time nursing at Penrith, I have been committed to the principles that 1. The patient comes first 2. Patients being seen closer to home 3. The value of the Step Up / Step Down role of Community Hospitals. 4. Valuing and supporting staff as happy staff provide good patient care
Since my retirement I have been busy with my garden and allotment, Chair of Penrith LOF, Treasurer of Solway & Tyne Texel Breeders Club, caring for my elderly Mother and with my grandson Thomas.
Sheila Gregory
Cumbria CVS
Term ends: March 2025
Throughout my career I have been involved in supporting people with disabilities. I first started working with people with autism and learning disabilities 47 years ago as a student volunteer. After various roles, I worked for the British Deaf Association for 13 years. I was their marketing and publications manager. Then for 23 years I was the Chief Officer of Carlisle Mencap. Carlisle Mencap is one of the biggest local Mencap societies in the UK with 500 service users. When I was Carlisle Mencap CEO, I worked with the national Mencap Society on the pilot for the ‘treat me well’ campaign which supports reasonable adjustments for all vulnerable people in acute hospitals. I recently have completed a book celebrating 50 years of Carlisle Mencap.
I retired from paid work in June 2021. I am still very involved much in the voluntary sector. I am Chair of the Triple A Project an autism charity based in Penrith. Triple A supports people with autism across Cumbria to have better lives- significant projects are around employment opportunities and post diagnosis support. I am a board member for Cumbria CVS. Prior to COVID I was elected Chair of the Cumbria Public Health Alliance.
Personally, I am devoted to helping the Trust to provide excellent care to our community. I have been involved with the Trust particularly Cumberland Infirmary for decades. I have been involved through work and in my personal life, as a patient I was supported well through significant illness and as a family carer for a person with dementia I was involved in many hospital visits.
I am totally committed to supporting diversity and inclusion. I was pleased to be awarded the Diverse Cumbria Life Time Achievement award in 2021.
I have a BA degree and a CAM Post Graduate diploma in Communication and Marketing.
I enjoy fellwalking, birdwatching and gardening in my spare time.