Staff at the West Cumberland Hospital are trying their best to make Christmas better for their patients and staff.

Nichola Mitchinson, who works on EAU, explained: "So this Christmas is slightly different for obvious reasons and we think we really need to get in to the Christmas spirit for our patients.

"We have followed infection control guidance and have all cleanable Christmas decorations up on the ward.

"We have also laminated some of our own children’s and local community school children’s coloured Christmas pictures so we can Covid securely decorate our ward for Christmas - thank you to them.

"This has really cheered our staff and patients up!

"Some of the staff have also been busy making gift bags to give out to patients on not only our ward but other wards on Christmas Day - all out of their own pocket.

"We have also kindly received a CD and hymn sheets from our hospital chaplain with Christmas songs on for us to sing along to for our patients on Christmas Day, as we are unable to have choirs this year.

"We really want our patients to feel the festive spirit especially after the unprecedented difficult year we have all faced."

In Carlisle, the finance team created a PayPal Pool to collect some donations which we agreed would go direct to Carlisle Foodbank.

Michelle Grieve, Senior Assistant Financial Accountant, said: "I was amazed by the response and today I transferred the balance to the Foodbank to help out some of the families in need in Cumbria.

"We raised an unbelievable £500, so with Gift Aid the charity will receive £625 from the finance team. I just wanted to thank all my colleagues for their generosity this festive season."

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