sexual health sign.jpgPracticing safe sex is important at any time, not just Christmas.

Things will be different this year because of Covid-19 and restrictions on socialising.

As a Trust, we are advising people to stay sexually safe over the festive season to avoid contracting sexually transmitted infections or unintended pregnancies.

During the festive period we all want to enjoy ourselves and often our sexual health and wellbeing can be put to the back of our minds.

We are open and we are here for you.  Please ring 01228 608989 (see opening hours below) to arrange an appointment.

Professor Matt Phillips, Consultant for Cumbria Sexual Health Service at NCIC, said: “Over the festive period we tend to see a rise in the number of people having unprotected sex.

“It’s important that if you use a daily contraceptive to make sure you have enough to last you during the Christmas period and always be prepared for unplanned sex.

“Timing is essential for anyone seeking help following unprotected sex or following failed contraception.

“If you think you have been exposed to HIV you need treatment within 72 hours and emergency contraception is to be taken within 72 hours.”

If you require support when clinics are closed please go to your nearest pharmacy or call NHS 111.


** Opening times for sexual clinic phone lines run by North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust during the Christmas period are as follows:

·        Week commencing 14th December: Monday – Friday, 9-5

·        Week commencing 21st December: Monday – Wednesday 9-5; Thursday 24th December 9-12

 No clinics 25th December or 28th December.

·        Week commencing 28th December: Tuesday & Wednesday 9-5

  • New Year’s Eve : 9-12
  • No clinics 1st January. All clinics return to normal from 4th January


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