Staff at North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust sourced some distraction toy boxes to keep children busy during medical procedures.
Staff contacted Starlight Children’s Foundation to help brighten the lives seriously ill children.
Starlight Children’s Foundation sent the boxes to NCIC and they are being used in the Medical Physics department at the West Cumberland Hospital.
Carly Muldoon, S
enior Clinical Technologist at NCIC, said: “We use the distraction toys to keep children occupied while we cannulate or give IV injections. It pre-occupies the children so they don’t notice.
“We have two boxes in Medical Physics now. I applied for one after a challenging day with paediatrics.
“I had previously used the box, which was recommended to us by play therapists, when I worked in Guys and St Thomas’ several years ago. I just applied online, and Starlight Children’s Foundation responded and sent us as box.
“As Medical Physics is split over two floors in WCH, Maxine, our chief tech, applied for a second one so that we can use one box in the camera room and one box in the injection room. The contents are all wipeable and cleaned between patients.
“We also received a supplies box which has colouring books/ games in that we have arranged to donate up to kids ward, as our paediatric patients are only in our department for a short period of time.
“I love the Starlight box and I think my colleagues are seeing the benefits of having them as it makes our paediatric days just that little bit easier for our patients - and the grown ups they bring!”
Dr Krutika Pau, Director of Children’s Services at Starlight, said: “Starlight’s Distraction Boxes are an essential part of play and distraction. These portable toolkits are filled with toys, games and puzzles which provide health professionals with different ways to distract children who are undergoing medical procedures. We have found that not only do the Distraction Boxes improve children’s experience of hospital, but they reduce anxiety, distress and improve the rapport between children and their medical staff.”