Self care week.jpgDuring Self Care Week (18 – 24 November) North Cumbria Health and Care to remind you to choose well when accessing local health services.

Some health conditions such as sprains, colds and coughs can be treated at home or with advice from a pharmacist without a trip to the GP or A&E. Using the right health service for your health needs will save you time and help take pressure off the NHS.

Medical Director for North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundations Trust (NCIC) Vince Connolly said: 

Before visiting A&E, consider whether there is a service better suited to your health needs. Think about using information on the NHS website, calling NHS 111 or visiting your pharmacy for health advice. Don’t wait in A&E for something you may be able to treat at home or with help from the pharmacist.

“A&E is for serious, life-threatening conditions such as severe bleeding, heart attacks, badly broken bones whilst urgent care and walk-in centres can help you with non-serious injuries such as cuts, sprains, broken bones, scalds and minor eye injuries.”

Dr Craig Melrose GP clinical lead for  NCIC tells us how to get the best from our GP:Dr Craig Melrose.jpg

“Make an appointment if you have an illness or injury that will not go away such as persistent vomiting, ear pain, stomach ache or back ache.  It is vital to remember also that self care is not no care and if you feel like you need to see your GP then make an appointment.”

“Your local pharmacist can help with all sorts of health care advice and treatment without an appointment, as well as minor, short term conditions they can also help with services such as stop smoking, weight management and sexual health.  They can also signpost you to another NHS service.  We are here to help.”

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Take a look at our useful winter health advice page.

Further Information:

  1. Self Care Week takes place 18-24November 2019 and has the theme “Think Self Care for Life.”
  2. Self Care Week is a national annual initiative organised by the Self Care Forum to raise awareness about the benefits of self care and what people can do to take care of their health.  It is to promote and encourage more self care across communities, families and generations.
  3. Information Resources: (Self Care Forum fact sheets) (NHS website) (Antibiotics Guardian)

The North Cumbria Health and Care System is made up of health and care commissioners and providers - North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, NHS England, NHS North Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS Improvement, North West Ambulance Service, primary care - working in partnership with Cumbria County Council and third sector organisations.

This integrated approach to health and care will see much closer working between organisations – it is not a merger or the creation of a new organisation.

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