In order to protect your children from harm and in line with other hospitals we are asking you to not bring a child under 16 to attend your scan with you.
There are no child care facilities and children should not be left unaccompanied under any circumstances. If you do attend with children, I am sorry to say that your scan will be postponed. There are several reasons for this change:-
Children get very bored in the scan rooms and this can lead to them being disruptive. The Sonographer that does your scan needs a high level of concentration. All the scans we do have a clinical purpose – we are checking your baby for any anomalies/abnormalities at both your 1st trimester and 2nd trimester scans.
If your Sonographer becomes distracted, something could be missed on your scan and could have consequences for your baby. Growth scans also need high levels of concentration as clinical decisions are made on the strength of these scans – you and your baby may be subjected to unnecessary interventions if your scan is not accurate.
The scan room is a working clinical area and is not designed to accommodate children. It allows the effective practice of performing scans. When you are distracted with your scan, children have the opportunity to wander. The scan rooms contain very hot water taps which have the potential to scald your child. We have high voltage sensitive electronic equipment within the scan room putting a child at high risk of electrocution if they play with the wires and sockets.
On occasions there may be bad news at a scan and that news has to be broken to the parents in front of the children, who then have to watch their parents in distress.
Sometimes an external scan is not good enough to see your baby and we may need to do an intimate transvaginal (internal) scan which is not always appropriate for your child to see.
The only exception to this is where you have absolutely no alternative provision for your child. This must be agreed in advance with the team.
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