Your coil fitting appointment

  • Your appointment is for half an hour
What to do before your coil appointment
  • Please make sure that you have something to eat before your appointment.
  • The fitting process can be uncomfortable and you may wish to take a tablet painkiller that is safe for you, an hour or so before the procedure.
It is important that there is no chance you could be pregnant when we fit your coil
  • Do not have sex from the start of your period until the insertion, unless you are using a method of contraception reliably and consistently.
  • If you are having a coil exchanged for a new one, you should not have sex for 7 days before the appointment if your coil is in date.
  • If your coil is out of date, you should not have sex for 21 days (3 weeks) before the appointment so that a pregnancy test is valid.
  • It is OK to have a coil fitted if you are bleeding; please attend your appointment as usual.
Having a coil fitted
  • Before you have a coil fitted, you will have an internal examination to find out the size and position of your womb. This is to make sure that the coil can be put in the correct place. An internal measurement is made of the length of the womb and then the coil is inserted.
  • It takes about 5-10 minutes to insert a coil.
  • The vagina is held open, like it is during a cervical screening (smear test), and the coil is inserted through the cervix and into the womb.
  • Occasionally patients feel nauseous or faint afterwards and you may wish to consider bringing someone with you to accompany and drive you home.
  • You are likely to get some bleeding after the procedure so please bring a sanitary pad with you.
  • Most women experience some period-like discomfort for 24-48 hours after fitting, but then it usually settles.
For more information about the IUD/IUS in general, look at:


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