Olive oil encourages the natural movement of wax from the outer ear. It is advisable to buy a bottle of olive oil and ‘dropper’ from your local pharmacist. Use olive oil drops as directed by your nurse.

Most patients find that applying 1-2 drops at night, for 7 nights prior to an appointment, is helpful for wax removal. If you have continued problems with excessive wax it may be beneficial to use 1- 2 drops of olive oil each week. This will not stop wax collecting, but will make removal easier.

  • Lie down on your side with the affected ear upwards.
  • Gently pull the outer ear backwards and upwards (see diagram below).
  • Using the dropper drop 1-2 drops in the ear canal and gently massage the area in front of the ear. 

Putting in eardrops

  • Lie in this position for 1-2 minutes .

If Olive oil is infective other wax softening drops such as Earol spray (if patient is having problems instilling drops), sodium bicarbonate drops, Earex, or hydrogen peroxide based solutions such as Otex.

Drops following a Mastoid operation

These Instructions can be used for any ear drops

The drops have to reach two areas – the ear canal and the mastoid cavity.

 Put the drops in as previously explained (Steps 1, 2 and 3).

  • To ensure that the drops reach the back of the mastoid cavity, lie on your back and insert 2-3 drops into the back of the cavity 

Imasge of ear


  • Remain in this position for 10 minutes and then wipe away any excess fluid (oil or antibiotic drops).

It is not advisable to leave cotton wool in your ear. If you have drops prescribed by your doctor or nurse complete the course of treatment.

Water precautions
  • To keep water out of your ear when showering and bathing, place cotton wool rolled petroleum jelly over the opening to the ear. 
  • Do not shove the cotton ball into the ear canal.
  • Smooth the edges of the cotton ball down to ensure a watertight seal.
  • Use a new cotton ball every time you shower.


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