If you’re referred for chemotherapy you’ll be invited in for an assessment with a chemotherapy nurse. During the appointment we’ll go through your blood test results, talk about how the treatment works and discuss the support you’ll need during treatment.

You’ll then be invited for your 1st treatment appointment. This will either be at Cumberland Infirmary or at West Cumberland Hospital. On the day, you’ll have a designated chemotherapy nurse who’ll look after you during your treatment. 

The length of your appointment can vary depending on the type of chemotherapy you need. Some appointments can last around 1 hour while others may take all day. If you’d like to bring a friend, relative or carer to keep you company you can do so. There is also free wifi available in both hospitals so you can stream films and TV shows on your phone or tablet.

Chemotherapy involves several treatment sessions, typically spread over the course of a few months. While you’re receiving your treatment you’ll have regular reviews with your oncologist or a specialist nurse to see how treatment is going and whether or not we need to make any changes to your treatment plan.

If you're struggling with the treatment and are having doubts about whether to continue, you can talk to us about this at any time.

Cumberland Infirmary

Oncology reception
01228 814823

West Cumberland Hospital

Henderson Suite
01946 523312