- Chronic asthma
- Bronchiectasis
- Interstitial lung disease such as Pulmonary Fibrosis
The Community Respiratory service is made up of specialist nurses, physiotherapists, assistant practitioners and in some areas, occupational therapists. If you’re referred to our service by your doctor, we’ll invite you for an assessment at one of our clinics.
You 1st appointment usually takes about an hour. During your appointment we’ll:
- assess your breathing
- check your inhalers
- check what medication you’re taking
- check your suitability for our Better Breathing classes
Once we’ve done our initial assessment, we’ll discuss your options and together we’ll decide on the best treatments for you. Depending on your circumstances, we may ask one of our specialist physiotherapists or occupational therapists to visit you at home. Way may also invite you to join our Better Breathing classes.
If you’ve been referred to us after leaving hospital, we’ll visit you at home to make sure you’re managing ok and see how you’re getting on. While we’re there, we’ll check your breathing and ask you some questions about your medication and inhalers.
Depending on how you’re getting on, we may ask one of our specialist physiotherapists or occupational therapists to visit you at home. Way may also invite you to join our pulmonary rehabilitation programme. We’ll let you know if further home visits are needed.
If you have a long term lung condition such as COPD and you get breathless when doing everyday activities like walking and dressing, this programme has been designed for you.
Taking place over 6 or 7 weeks, the programme guides you through a series of tailored exercises that will help to improve your symptoms. We’ll also give you advice and information on how to better manage your condition.
You’ll also have the opportunity to meet and talk to other people with the same or similar conditions.
If you’d like to know more, ask your GP or practice nurse if they think pulmonary rehabilitation would be suitable for you.
Pulmonary Rehab classes are held in :
- Harraby Community Centre
- Evergreen Hall
- Wigton Hospital
- Oval Centre, Workington
- Copeland Pool, Whitehaven
North Cumbria
01228 602036
West Cumbria
01900 705041