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A community midwife will contact you via phone, text message or email to arrange an initial booking appointment. Please regularly check your junk folder. This appointment will be when you are approximately 8-10 weeks pregnant. Please contact the community midwives if you have not had a booking appointment by the time you are estimated to be around 9 weeks pregnant.
We advise that you take Folic acid and vitamin D (this can be part of a pregnancy multi-vitamin) during pregnancy’.
If your BMI is above 30 it is recommended you take a higher dose of folic acid. Please contact your GP as soon as you find out you are pregnant in order to get the higher dose of folic acid prescribed. If you are unsure what your BMI is the following NHS site can help you calculate it BMI calculator.
Please note this email address is for receiving referrals only therefore any other emails sent to this address may not be seen and actioned.
If you experience any bleeding, significant pain or have any other concerns please contact your GP or out of hours GP services such as NHS111 for advice.
Please note: we cannot respond to anything you leave in your feedback about this webpage. If you have concerns about your health or an appointment, please contact our support and advice (PALS) team.
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